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Daily Archives: May 6, 2024

What a Weekend!

I wrote about Saturday’s ride. Sunday started out beautifully with a diminishing chance of precipitation. Apparently the weather didn’t get the memo.

What should have been partly cloudy skies opened up to a gentle sprinkle, then a full-on light rain. Halfway through our 39-mile ride we were soaked.

We rode through it, though. Nothing else we could do!

It was a slog, and if we got behind a wheel, well, we didn’t have to worry about drinking out of a water bottle.

We had some laughs over that throughout the day.

After a bunch of yard work, we were off to bowling. Our last night of the season.

We rocked it. 5 of 7 points and I went 224 – 217 – 236 for a cool 225 average on the night.

On top of the fun stuff, we got our daughter’s room cleared out so she could get a new laminate floor, burned our brush pile down (without getting the FD called on us, which was a small miracle – I thought for a minute NASA would call), and I got the yard cut and trimmed.

What a weekend! Thank God for recovery.