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Daily Archives: May 13, 2024

A Beautiful (and Safe) Mother’s Day On The Tandem With My Wife

Mother’s Day cycling is a little tricky for my wife… she’s been in two Mother’s Day crashes. One was on a wet quad train track that hits the road at such an acute angle, you have to use four lanes (it’s not a four-lane road, the road just opens up at that point by design… the speed limit is 25-mph). It was damp after a rain the night before and the boards between the tracks were a little wet… several of us went down, including my wife. Thankfully, nobody was hurt seriously.

The next one, just a few years ago, was bad. Just my wife. Her foot cover kept her from properly clipping in at a stop and she went for a sprint a few miles up the road. Halfway into a massive push, her foot slipped off the pedal and she went down hard. She was probably a little concussed and still has a scar for her misfortune.

So we were rolling out under that cloud. I knew my job, and I made sure I didn’t get cocky all ride long. I actually had to check my motives a couple of times and remember to be safe on Mother’s day. Still, we topped 32-mph a few times on nice downhill runs.

We had a glorious ride. Not a cloud in the sky and it warmed up enough we were shedding clothes at our first stop just twelve miles in.

And we didn’t even come close to a mishap on the ride. We got to the driveway with an 18-mph average for just under 40-miles and smiles on our faces for the Sunday Funday effort.

With our daughters home and my wife’s mom and stepdad over for dinner, we did our best to make it a special day for my wife. Including not crashing on the morning ride!