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Daily Archives: May 26, 2024

No Big Bike Rides To Write About This Year On Memorial Day Weekend…

For the first time since the scare of Covid and the shutdown scourge, and barring that, the first time in almost a decade, we’re not traveling down to Kentucky for the Horsey Hundred. After a morning rainstorm, we had perfect weather and we didn’t even go for a ride.

What illness hath befallen me, you ask?

No such misfortune. We’re prepping for our daughter’s graduation party next week. We’re trying to make as big a deal as should be for my kid, who graduated with a 4.06 GPA (that’s a smidge better than perfect in the USA), five varsity letters (Swimming, Tennis, Track, Academics… and I can’t remember the other). She was a captain on the swim team the last two years and captain of the tennis team this year. She and her swim teammates broke four records this year that stood for decades and she went 11-2 in #1-singles for the tennis team, missing States by one match and coming in second in the Metro League Championships.

Folks, that kid is amazing.

So, after a morning rain shower and breakfast, rather than prep the bike and go for a ride, we took to working on the yard. In perfectly sunny, warm cycling weather, we made our yard beautiful for her coming party. We put almost twelve hours into it before I finally tapped out. My wife, amazing as she is, probably could have gone into the wee morning hours.

Now, as sore as we currently are, I’m going to go out on a limb and say, that was good enough for a workout. We’re heading out in an hour with the gang for a 34-mile ride and I don’t feel I’m ready for it.