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Daily Archives: May 31, 2024

How I Picked The Vice Tour As My 2024 (and 2025) Golf Ball

So, most people, when they’re looking for a golf ball to hit for the season, will consult the nearest pro, who will dutifully regurgitate the exact same thing as every other pro. Titleist ProV1. It’s as simple as that.

It’s the best ball in golf. Period, end of sentence. Thanks for playing, everybody else.

They’re also almost $60 a dozen after tax, now. Let me show you a guy who doesn’t want to lose Five Bucks every time I leave the club face open (which is rare, but it happens) and leaks one into the H20. I can, however, live with $2.

I want to know what the next best thing is to a ProV1 without the cost, and I don’t care what the pros say. I want to know what a duffer wants. Lo and behold, I happened on a YouTube video from a purported duffer who gave the Top Five golf balls for distance. Something I need, because I’m not 40 anymore.

The runner-up to the Titleist ProV1 with robot testing was the Vice Pro Plus. I like a little more feedback when I hit a ball (I like to feel it, but not near as much as I would a Top Flite), so I adjusted and went with the Vice Tour to get the feel right.

The Vice Tour is long (just a couple of yards shy of the ProV1 in robot testing) with what should be the appropriate amount of feel for me. I got three dozen for about what it would cost for 17 ProV1s.

Now all that’s left is to give them a run on the course.

The point of this exercise is not to discount what the pros say. I wish (but not really) I had the time to groove my swing so I could hit like they do again, but I just don’t have that kind of time or drive. I have to live within my happy reality, and that just doesn’t include that much golf.

Now, when we’re finally empty nesters? Well, we’ll talk then. Until that day, Vice Tours will have to do.