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Daily Archives: June 2, 2024

The Easiest Way To Buy A New Wheelset

Look, I get it, we’re all in a hurry to get our bikes cleaned up and looking great, but there’s a way not to do this… unless you really want a new wheelset, and maybe even a new drivetrain. If that’s what you’re after, here’s how to degrease your cassette and derailleur:

That’s how to get a new wheel and drivetrain. That’s also how you can make your bike extra squeaky and creaky so they can hear you coming from three blocks away, you know, as an added bonus! What’ll happen is that degreasing agent will get into your rear wheel bearings and eat away the grease that makes your wheel turn smoothly. And the grease that protects the freehub, and the grease that helps the derailleur operate smoothly… and pretty much any other good grease.

Here’s how it’s really done so your components will last and your bike will remain quiet:

Be nice to your bike, and it’ll be nice to you… and it won’t squeak at your friends.