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Daily Archives: June 21, 2024

Finally Feeling Better In The Heat…

Every year, the struggle is the same, though this year has been a little tougher/longer than usual; the first heatwave of the summer shows up, and I struggle for a day or two to get acclimatized. There’s nothing new this year, it just that it took a little longer. Longer than I’d like.

I was tempted to just keep it indoors yesterday. It was hot, yet again, and we were going to have a family dinner… so I had an excuse. I wanted to get over the heat, though – I’ve historically done very well in hot weather, so I readied my Trek and headed out the front door.

It threatened to rain in the first few miles, but cleared up and the sun came back out to bake me as I rode along… but I didn’t suffer like I had the last three days. I wasn’t fast by any stretch, but I felt more like me; like I wanted more miles. Sadly, no time for that, so I marched it home, took a shower and got dinner ready.

Dinner was lovely, then some euchre with our daughter and her boyfriend, followed by glorious sleep. I crashed hard about 8:30 and by 9 I was looking at my eyelids. It was fantastic.

I’ve got some maintenance things to take care of this weekend on the tandem, but all is looking well for our first road trip of the year, coming up… and the camper is amazing and ready to go!