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Daily Archives: June 29, 2024

Rained Out! Time For Some Maintenance On The Fleet – The One Problem Just Thought Of… Pertaining To Poor Shifting Shimano 10-speed Drivetrains

This new set of jockey wheels I installed on the Venge the other day really has me thinking… a lot of my derailleur problems with my Shimano 10-speed drivetrains on the Venge and Trek presented the same way; I was good going up or down the cassette, but unless I was perfect on the barrel adjuster, within an eighth of a turn (not exaggerating), I couldn’t get both. I should have a half-turn’s adjustment either way.

Like I do with my wife’s 11-speed, the 11-speed on the tandem, and now with my Venge’s 10-speed… now that I have the new jockey wheels installed.

This same problem presents on my Trek 5200. Shifts like a dream as long as the barrel adjuster is set perfectly. One quarter-turn either way and it’s crap. I wonder if it’s a problem new jockey wheels will solve!?

Sadly (or not), I have no other issues to fuss over with the fleet. It’s just a matter of maintenance at this point. I’ll do some cleaning, maybe check the chains… and I’ve got a 10-sp Missing Link to replace on the Venge (I’ve got a KMC re-usable to replace the Shimano 1-time use link that’s been used three times and is loose enough to worry about).

The normal summer weather returns tomorrow and we’ll have a good one on tap.