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Daily Archives: October 30, 2012

Happy Halloween



Oh, I So Missed My Trainer…

So it’s been a few days on the trainer now, with a ride or two thrown in there just for fun and it hasn’t been so bad – at least not as bad as I remembered from March, of course if you give me a few more months cooped up in my office I’ll be singing a different tune (of course that still beats the gym).  The truth is though, I really hate riding in the crap more than I hate being cooped up so there’s that…  But no traffic, no left turns, no stop lights or stop signs and no headwinds…  And Fifty bucks says come February I’ll be praying for fresh air and a little wind.

For now, it is what it is and while I’ll throw in outdoor rides where I can, I gotta tell you, I’m happy.  For a half hour or 45 minutes it’s just a good movie and a spin at lunch.

I’m really happy with the new trainer too, it’s a bit harder to pedal on than the one I used last year and that’s definitely a good thing.  I could lie and say I’ve got some ornate  training plan with special food, wildly intricate interval schedules and that I’ve got my on and off days scheduled out weeks in advance – but I don’t and I’m certainly not planning on putting too much time or effort into putting anything together.  Next year, at least from where I’m sitting now will look a lot like this year because I’ve come a long way since last summer but I’ve changed a little bit too.  Last January I was ready to race – triathlons, a couple of Olympic lengths and a Half Iron Man, maybe a few 5k’s and a 10 miler, but somewhere in there I found out that I don’t want to forsake the riding for the races and that’s when I changed…  I really don’t care if I ever race (at least that’s where I am today) because to get good enough to do that will be work.  I don’t want a 25 mile ride to be work with certain warm up times, followed by intervals, followed by cool downs…  I just wanna ride, so that’s what I’m going to do, because for now, it’s all about the journey.

How Do You Handle Sleep?

It’s 2:39 am. Coffee is made and I’m watching wall to wall coverage of Sandy that repeats (with different people) every 20 minutes or so. I’ll be in the shower by 3:30, out the door by 4 and in my office by 4:45… And look at this as a good thing. I’ll have at least two hours to get work done before the phones start ringing.

I’ll take a power nap at noon, after lunch and before my daily office spin. Then I head off to a post bid, pre contract qualification meeting at three.

Immediately following that meeting I’ll head home, 11-12 hour day in the bag. From there, God only knows when I’ll fall asleep.

Now, I fell asleep before 8:00 last night. What can I say, I was tired and I rarely fight going to sleep – I never saw a full World Series game, so I did get more than 6-1/2 hours of sleep (my average is 6 to 6-1/2 which is more than enough)…

So the title of this post was a question, how do you handle sleep?

Do you sleep when you’re ready, circumstances be damned? Are you more regimented? Is it about time or quality?

UPDATE:  It’s 5:03, the lights are on but I’m running a little behind…  I left on time but had to deal with snow on the way in…  SNOW!  For the love of Mike, this is simply not right.