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A Wonderful Return To The Tuesday Night Ride In Lennon (On The Tandem)… Where’s The Tylenol?


June 2024

Jess and I were both laughing about how nervous we were before the ride. The Tennis season is done. Swimming finished just a week before tennis started. Our senior is graduated and the open house is in the rear view. Our Tuesday nights are free at last. Now, technically, we could have gone out last Tuesday, but it was hot. We didn’t want our first Tuesday night to be in a sauna – we already knew we were way out of shape, so we rode from home. Around 5:00, the bike was ready and we were loading up my wife’s SUV. We were at the start a little after 5:30.

After saying hi to friends I hadn’t seen for quite some time, we got ready and got to the line to roll. And just like that, we were hitting it. It was a mess at the start, but once we let the A Group go because one of ours had dropped, everything smoothed out and we had a fantastic ride. On the flat and downhills, my wife and I were awesome. On the ups, though, our lack of fitness showed. We took our time and did our best to catch up after the climbs. I learned a new way to climb on the tandem that appears might help us out substantially, but it’ll take some more testing… a lot more testing before I’ll write about it here.

We rolled across the finish line, the group intact, at just over a 20-mph average, and I couldn’t stop smiling. I told Jess, after we finished, that it felt like home being out on a Tuesday again.

We shook hands and caught up with friends after the ride, then went to find some food. We shared our thoughts and insights and talked about how the ride was while we ate our dinner. It was great to be back. I really missed it.

And I woke up in desperate need of a Dual Action Advil/Tylenol. Oh my.

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