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Commuting By Bicycle To Work Is A Little Harder Than I Expected…


May 2024

I’d been fantasizing about riding to work for so long, I didn’t put much thought into what would really go into it. Now that I can commute by bike, and actually have to go the long way home to make the ride an enjoyable length. This has come with a learning curve, though, and some trouble spots have been quite funny.

  1. No matter how hard I’ve tried not to, I still break a sweat on the way to work. I think part of the issue is that I’ve always ridden hard. I’m not used to just chilling out. It’ll be weird fighting the urge to push on the pedals with my usual verve.
  2. I ride race bikes for my commute. Wise or not, I love my 5200 and Venge and that’s what I’m going to ride. There’s no fitting a pannier, so I’m riding with a backpack that weighs well over 20-pounds (10kg). That gets a little heavy after eight miles or so.
  3. It takes three times longer to get to the office. Well, 2-1/2, or 15 minutes. I have to leave early to make it on time and that messes with my wife and my normal routine for getting ready in the morning.
  4. Showing up in cycling shorts to the office is a little weird. In the future, to avoid this, I’m going to throw on a pair of regular shorts over the Lycra. Figuring this one out came with a little… well, awkwardness.

In the end, I think I’ll end up picking and choosing which days I ride to work and which I simply ride with my wife after work. It’s not set in stone, of course. It was just a little more work than I anticipated.


  1. niall says:

    I can imagine the conversations with HR 🤣

  2. It definitely takes some planning ahead. I was lucky enough to have showers at work, so I could ride hard if I wanted to then freshen up before starting. I’d take most of what I needed into work on Monday so I could “ride light” the following days. Making the commute as enjoyable as possible helps!

  3. Manu Stanley says:

    Great to know that you also started riding to work, brother. Yes, riding with a 10kg backpack and some strain will make you sweaty. I am used to this situation for the past several years now. Although I commute significantly less than you, the burning summer (40 degrees Celsius) in the morning definitely makes me uncomfortable. We all enjoy riding… at the end of the day, that’s what matters!.

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