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Cycling Gift Days… Part 168; It Should’ve Been Raining… But ‘Twasn’t


April 2024

I didn’t commute to work yesterday. The morning was damp and foggy and there was a better than average chance thunderstorms would be rolling in after 11 am. Call me a fair weather commuter. As that goes, I’ve been a fan of one of the greatest lines in one of the greatest musicals ever, uttered by one Donald “Duck” Dunn, “If the shit fits, wear it.”

When I walked out of the office after a hard day’s work, however, there were clouds everywhere, but no rain… and it was 75° (23 C methinks)! I hurried home and thought briefly about not bothering, that I’d get wet. That was a long 1.542578 seconds. I readied the Venge. If I was going to get wet, I was going to do it spectacularly.

Now, it was 4pm. My wife was due at 6 and my daughter was coming home from college for dinner, so we’d have the full family. I didn’t have much time, but I had some, so I quickly readied myself and the Venge and rolled. The first mile was easy, then headwind for two, and it was rough. Then tailwind for four, headwind for two, then what should have been an easy mile home… but I saw a guy in an orange hi-viz vest on a bike about a quarter-mile down the road – and I only had 3/4s of a mile to catch him. I had a crossing headwind and I was barreling into it at 21-mph, just a huffin’ and a puffin’! I caught him with a quarter-mile to go and introduced myself. We had a little chuckle about how nice a carrot he was to chase down and I turned into my driveway as I waved bye.

It was perfect timing. A little over 10-miles and a little more than 30 minutes. I showered and got right to dinner. We were eating before the rain hit.

I love those afternoons where it’s supposed to be storming but you get to sneak a quick ride in. I slept like a baby last night… a 53-year-old baby. Chuckle.

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