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The Joy Of Cycling


May 2024

I don’t have as much time as I thought I would to ride my bike. At least, not yet. We’re in the middle of a crazy time at work and things are hectic, often into the evening. Add to that, our younger daughter is graduating high school (top 20 in her class) and tennis on top of that (she placed second in her Metro League Championships yesterday).

There’s not much time to ride.

I threw my leg over the top tube after I got home yesterday afternoon and did a quick loop before everyone else got home. Just twelve miles, but my God were they glorious. Sunny skies, not much in the way of wind, and hot.

I wasn’t going to break records, just for a fun time on my bike, spinning the pedals.

I was full gas here, easy there, just letting the cares of the day fade to the background for 40 minutes. I’d love to be able to tell you what I was thinking, beyond “man, this is awesome“, but I can’t. I don’t think there was much more than that rattling around up there.

And that’s the beauty of cycling. Fresh air, sunshine, the wind whipping through my helmet vents… and my Specialized Venge.

Good times and noodle salad, my friends. Happy times.

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