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One Day At A Time Works For More Than Just Drinking… The “Program” Works For Everything Else, Too.


May 2024

I was reading the Daily Reflection for the day to my wife, yesterday.

“Above all, take it one day at a time.”

As Bill Sees It page 11

I knew when I quit alcohol and drugs, it was going to have to be for my lifetime if I wanted a healthy, happy, peaceful, content existence (and I genuinely wanted that). At first, that was too great a chunk to tear off. Before I went into recovery, I could barely make it two days, let alone a lifetime! I had to aim a little shorter.

I could get there one day at a time, though. I can choose sobriety for today… and tomorrow is always approaching, but never gets here. That’s the idea, and in doing so, I managed to string 11,507 of them together.

As I was reading the meditation/explanation portion, it hit me square between the eyes; the way I’ve been eating over the last couple of years needs to meet up with some “one day at a time” thinking.

I won’t eat candy today. I won’t overeat today. I’ll eat healthy, just for today.

The time has come for me to take action, and that reading was exactly what I needed to get started.

I can do this, too. One day at a time.

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