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Death of A Shoelace; Fixing a Broken Boa Lace on a Cycling Shoe


April 2019

My very first pair of cycling shoes had three Velcro straps, just like the good old days when tennis shoes came with them. My second pair, a triathlon shoe, were Velcro as well. My first pair of legit road shoes had two Velcro straps and a ratchet strap. By then I knew all of the cool kids had Boa closures for their shoes, but I got a great deal on the ratchet strapped Specialized Road Pro’s. Finally, I bought a pair of Specialized Torch 2.0’s and found out why the Boa’s were so popular. They’re almost infinitely adjustable on the ride and they’re simple.

I also learned, when a friend’s lace snapped, that it’s good to have a backup pair of shoes and that Boa laces and ratchet systems are guaranteed for life (the laces appear to be some sort of plastic covered metal). I like guaranteed for life.

Last week, a lace broke as I was putting on my shoe to head out for a ride.

I put on my old backup ratchet strap shoes and rode. Later, I went to Boa’s website, and registered to get my free replacements. By free, I mean free. I didn’t even have to pay postage (though I could have upgraded shipping for less than $10 to get them express shipped). Three days later, they arrived in the mail.

I fixed the shoe myself. My friend, Chuck, said it wasn’t incredibly easy, but it wasn’t too bad, either.

First, fixing a broken Boa lace isn’t easy until; 1) You understand that the most important part is the “under/over” of the loop shown on the instruction diagram. 2) You’ve done it once. 3) You realize the diagrams are actually pretty decent and simple to follow. 4) I took a photo of how the lace was threaded through the shoe – an excellent idea most people don’t think to do.

At that point, it’s a snap.

My shoe is good as new.

The Boa closures are worth paying to get to the upper level of cycling shoes, even more so now that I know how to fix them.


  1. thank you, i was looking into new shoes the other day and the ones i want have BOA “Pearl Izumi Pro Leader V4”. Ive not tried BOA on a cycling shoe yet as I have the ratchet on My Giant Road Shoes. have an epic day my friend and thanks for the useful info

  2. OmniRunner says:

    Great idea taking a photo before you took the lace out. I do that with projects sometimes. It helps to know what something is supposed to look like when it’s back together!

  3. I’m continually amazed at the nuances involved in the cycling technology you share on your blog. Informative and enlightening post, bro.

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